
We founded the Swiss Ventures Group because the wealth of experience we have accumulated over the years is meant to be shared. Check out our news and find extensive background information on investments, startups and the world of VC.


Supersapiens Launches Diabetes Platform in the US

Supersapiens, backed by our Swiss Diabetes Venture Fund, launches cutting-edge Diabetes platform, empowering users to manage glucose levels. US free beta version invites feedback for continuous improvement.


Fixposition's Vision-RTK 2 Revolutionises Autonomous Agriculture Navigation

Fixposition, backed by Serpentine Ventures, pioneers agri-robotics with Vision-RTK 2, delivering precise global positioning in challenging environments. Drift-free, easy deployment positions it for market success.


Inpher Joins PHASE IV AI Horizon Europe Project for Healthcare Advancements

Inpher, our Serpentine Ventures portfolio company, participates in the PHASE IV AI Horizon Europe Project, a 3-year EU-funded initiative dedicated to unlocking the potential of AI and data analytics in healthcare.


Swiss Venture Capital Considers State-Led Innovation Fund

Switzerland eyes a state fund, inspired by EU's EIF. Advocates stress the state's role, addressing market gaps. In Europe's VC progress, a lag in later stages persists. EIF reveals a 15bn EUR plan for the continent's venture landscape.